Sunday, 19 January 2025
  • pana-bam
  • slideno

About Matrys

MATRYS company (Modiriate ahdas & tamin rad yekta sepehr), as a general contractor(GC), has been formed for active participation in the industrial and civil projects within and outside the country, such as energy, oil and gas, petrochemical and other industries. This company, relying on its powerful internal expertise and skilled workers as contractors of complex & specialized projects, plans to use human resources, capital and technology, to accept responsibility for clients as a strong executive arm of achieving the goals and aspirations of thoughtfulness managers.
Our strategy is to completely satisfy all the company's needs and expectations of customers with the most effective and most efficient methods of management. Also recruitment of mighty professionals and staff and working with foreign companies in the world class, communicating with reliable research institutes and using advanced features of the day, is our final destination.